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Our prices!
    You can pay using your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, Diner's, JSB) or e-check. Do not be concerned about using your credit card online - we accept payments with WorldEmail.com, our designated Sales Agent for credit card orders. You can also pay with PayPal. If it would be more convenient for you, you can pay by money transfer (Money Transfer, MoneyGram or other system). Contact us for details if you prefer this way of making payment.

    You purchase conventional units called UNITs. You can purchase multiple credits so that you do not have to use your credit card each time you want to send or receive e-mail, photo, order gift delivery. Your account is debited for each e-mail, photo, gift order. You can view a history of your credit activity at any time at the "Payment History" section of your account.

    As it was mentioned, the price for 1 UNIT depends on how many UNITs you buy at one purchase - the more UNITs you buy at once, the less sending/opening a letter, sending/receiving an additional photo, gift delivery would costs you. Consult the table and see the difference!

NEW! Special offer: get 50% bonus with your first payment!

For all customers who pay for the first time: *Works only with your FIRST payment.
**Works only with 2 and 3 UNITs.
*Note: Bonuses do not sum up, the higher bonus will be applied.

 Video package:

Buying the package of video you get possibility to view video clips for the girls with considerable discount.
According to our regular price-list to view one video costs 1 UNIT = 5.625 EUR.
If you buy video package you make one video review much cheaper, up to 2 EUR per one video review.

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 Intro package

Buying the package of intro you get possibility to read letters of introduction you receive from girls with considerable discount.
According to our regular price-list to view one intro costs 0,25 UNIT = 1.40625 EUR.
If you buy intro package you make one introduction letter much cheaper, up to 0.5 EUR per reading an intro letter.

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 Correspondence UNITs

If you are not going to buy UNITs in bulk and want to correspond with ONE girl only, you should consider buying the package of correspondence UNITs.
You buy a package of
3 letters + 3 replies for 34 EUR or
5 letters + 5 replies for 52 EUR thus making one letter cheaper.

Buy now

Here's the price-list for purchasing UNITs:

UNITs Cost in GBP Cost in EUR Cost in CHF Cost in USD Cost in CAD Cost in AUD
790 UNITs £ 493.93
€ 592.50
CHF 555.34
$ 581.73
C$ 881.39
A$ 978.69
400 UNITs £ 250.09
€ 300.00
CHF 281.19
$ 294.55
C$ 446.27
A$ 495.54
340 UNITs £ 212.58
€ 255.00
CHF 239.01
$ 250.36
C$ 379.33
A$ 421.21
250 UNITs £ 156.31
€ 187.50
CHF 175.74
$ 184.09
C$ 278.92
A$ 309.71
212 UNITs £ 132.55
€ 159.00
CHF 149.03
$ 156.11
C$ 236.53
A$ 262.63
165 UNITs £ 103.16
€ 123.75
CHF 115.99
$ 121.50
C$ 184.09
A$ 204.41
142.5 UNITs £ 89.10
€ 106.88
CHF 100.18
$ 104.94
C$ 158.99
A$ 176.54
138 UNITs £ 86.28
€ 103.50
CHF 97.01
$ 101.62
C$ 153.96
A$ 170.96
118 UNITs £ 73.78
€ 88.50
CHF 82.95
$ 86.89
C$ 131.65
A$ 146.18
96 UNITs £ 60.02
€ 72.00
CHF 67.48
$ 70.69
C$ 107.11
A$ 118.93
90.75 UNITs £ 56.74
€ 68.06
CHF 63.79
$ 66.82
C$ 101.24
A$ 112.42
85.4 UNITs £ 53.39
€ 64.05
CHF 60.03
$ 62.89
C$ 95.28
A$ 105.80
79.95 UNITs £ 49.98
€ 59.96
CHF 56.20
$ 58.87
C$ 89.20
A$ 99.04
74.4 UNITs £ 46.52
€ 55.80
CHF 52.30
$ 54.79
C$ 83.01
A$ 92.17
68.75 UNITs £ 42.98
€ 51.56
CHF 48.33
$ 50.62
C$ 76.70
A$ 85.17
63 UNITs £ 39.39
€ 47.25
CHF 44.29
$ 46.39
C$ 70.29
A$ 78.05
57.6 UNITs £ 36.01
€ 43.20
CHF 40.49
$ 42.41
C$ 64.26
A$ 71.36
52 UNITs £ 32.51
€ 39.00
CHF 36.55
$ 38.29
C$ 58.02
A$ 64.42
46.9 UNITs £ 29.32
€ 35.17
CHF 32.96
$ 34.53
C$ 52.32
A$ 58.09
40.5 UNITs £ 25.33
€ 30.38
CHF 28.47
$ 29.83
C$ 45.19
A$ 50.18
34 UNITs £ 21.26
€ 25.50
CHF 23.90
$ 25.04
C$ 37.93
A$ 42.12
28 UNITs £ 17.51
€ 21.00
CHF 19.68
$ 20.62
C$ 31.24
A$ 34.69
21.75 UNITs £ 13.60
€ 16.31
CHF 15.29
$ 16.01
C$ 24.26
A$ 26.94
15 UNITs £ 9.38
€ 11.25
CHF 10.54
$ 11.05
C$ 16.74
A$ 18.58

     The price is calculated based on the currency exchange rate

EUR ⇒ USD = 0.98182
EUR ⇒ GBP = 0.83363
EUR ⇒ CAD = 1.48758
EUR ⇒ AUD = 1.65179
EUR ⇒ CHF = 0.93729

    taken from Forex.com (Feb 14, 2025).

    You can pay for our services in different ways: first of all, you can pay on-line using your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, Diner's, JSB) or from a PayPal account if you have one. Do not be concerned about using your credit card online - credit cards orders are processed by Buy-Secure.com Internet Billing, a provider of online card processing and payment solutions to many vendors worldwide and certified Payment Service Provider (PSP). You can also pay with PayPal, a global leader in online payment solutions with 100 million account members worldwide. We also accept off-line payments: if it is more convenient for you, you can pay by Money Transfer money transfer (we offer 5% discounts for certain payments through Money Transfer; choose this method of payment to learn the details). Besides, you can pay directly from your bank account to ours, for this kind of payment choose bank-to-bank wire transfer. On-line payments are processed in real time and funds are added to your account at our web-site automatically. If you choose to pay by Money Transfer or to a bank account you will have to wait from 2 to 7 business days till we receive the money and will add funds to your account at our site. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
    Below you can see a comparative table for different methods of payment we offer to our customers. You can see that you get certain bonuses with various ways of payment. Please, note, the numbers in the table are shown only as an example; costs in the example table may differ from the actual cost for our services.     One UNIT allows you to send or read exactly one letter, or to send or receive 1 photo. 1 UNIT is deducted from your account only when you send a letter or when you open an incoming message in your mailbox. If you send a photo to the lady, or agree to pay for her photo to be scanned and forwarded to you by e-mail - 1 UNIT is deducted from your account for each additional photo as well. Remember that you can view the profile of the lady who sent you a message before deciding to open an e-mail, so there is NO CHARGE to you until you actually open a message.

    If you have your ad published in the Gentlemen's Catalog you will get letters from ladies who decided to initiate correspondence with you. To read such "introductory letter" will cost you ONLY 0.25 of a UNIT. Read in details in our e-mail forwarding section.

    So, the prices for our services in UNITs are:

sending an Inquiry to a lady - 0.25 of a UNIT
reading a letter of introduction from a lady - 0.25 of a UNIT
sending a letter to a lady (translation included) - 1 UNIT
reading a reply from a lady - 1 UNIT
sending 1 photo to a lady - 0.5 UNIT
receiving 1 photo from a lady - 0.5 UNIT
watching 1 video - 0.25-0.5-1 UNIT (depending on the length and type of the video)
gift delivery fee - 3 UNITs
photo on delivery - 1 UNIT

    We also offer you gift delivery service. You can see the standard price list for the gifts we can deliver on the gift delivery page. Delivery fee is 3 UNITs.

    You can also Subscribe to service package on our web-site, which would save you money.

 Service package:

You can buy Service Package to our web-site, which would save you money.
With the service package you get: FREE POINTs to start correspondence with ladies you like; FREE Inquiries to Russian brides of your interest FREE chat minutes; FREE intro letters; FREE videos; Discount for multiple purchase of POINTs. We offer the following terms of the Service Package:
Buy our Standard or Standard+ service package to try our services or, if you already know what services you need, just proceed to more advanced service package: Silver, Gold, Platinum or Maximum.
Just look what is included into every package and choose the one you need!
Service package Standard Standard+ Silver Gold Platinum Maximum
Duration 1 month 3 months 6 months ONE year TWO years FIVE years
FREE points 0 1 4 10 35 100
FREE Inquiries 5 20 50 125 275 700
FREE chat minutes 20 75 200 500 1500 2500
FREE videos 10 30 100 500 1000 unlimited
FREE intro letters 100 1000 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Discount on points 1% 3% 5% 10% 10% 10%
Cost 25 USD 50 USD 150 USD 500 USD 1000 USD 2500 USD
*Note: all services are added to your account at the moment your payment for the service package is processed and can be used right away.

Buy now

    You can proceed to an order page from here if you want to add funds to your account or become a member.

    If you are registered - you will be asked to login, if you are not registered - you will be asked to register.

    As soon as your order is reviewed and confirmed by the processing company funds are added to your account. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your order or have problems with ordering our services.

Customer support in Ukraine: +380-96-0751758
Comments or questions: info@single-pretties.com or Contact Us form
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NOK Group s.r.o. reg. 28539362, Pobřezní 370/4, 186 00, Karlín, Prague 8, Czech Republic
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