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  •  Yuliya
  • ID
  • : 97721
  • Birthday
  • : Dec 30, 1976
  • Age
  • : 47 y.o.
  • Height
  • : 162 cm ~ 5'3"
  • Weight
  • : 55kg ~ 121 lb
  • Hair color
  • : light brown
  • Eyes color
  • : gray
    • Country
    • : United Kingdom
    • City
    • : Portsmouth
  • Religion
  • : Christianity
  • Marital st.
  • : single
  • Sign
  • : Capricorn
  • Children
  • : 1
  • boy, 22 y.o.
  • Smoke
  • : no
  • Drink
  • : Socially
  • Profession  :
  • Food Technologists
  • Education   :
  • College of Food
  • Occupation
  • Master of nail service
  • English language :
  • Middle Level

Hobbies and interests

A woman is a treasure trove with the gifts of a versatile personality and I am no exception. I like to cook and I like not to cook, trying delicious restaurant-level dishes and ordinary street food. I do sports , but how nice it is to lie in bed with a nice book ! I love an active lifestyle and trying something new, maybe even extreme, but it's also nice when the body lies on the sand and takes a sun bath. I would call modern Petroglyphing a special hobby.

Looking For Men Type

Seeks partner: 50 - 65
Each person is individual, each person is interesting and it is impossible to say what certain criteria are important to me in a man, since the chemistry between a man and a woman is not determined by some special code. The heart either says: yes, this is what I'm looking for. Or doesn't say.

About me

I am an easy woman, but I have a heightened sense of responsibility. Punctuality, discipline in me compete with a pleasant character and an inquisitive mind. Life has left its imprint on me in the form of experience and respect for people , in the delivery of values and goals that I am ready to achieve

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